Look at me, I’m a title

The Workshop recalibrates the notion of a place at the centre of everything
Ninotschka Titchkosky


201 Kent Street, Sydney




February 2015

Floor Area


A model of work spaces

BVN were commissioned to work with Arup to create a pilot project that would allow the people in Arup to experience and experiment with new types of spaces that would inform their future move to a new building. BVN embraced the idea that an innovative engineering firm such as Arup needs more than just rectangular desks, computer screens and traditional meeting rooms.

BVN wanted to find a model of work spaces that are specific to Arup, that would also help encourage innovation and experimentation within the business and were better aligned with who they believe they are.

Importantly, the design builds on feedback from staff about being able to have sit-stand desks, a greater variety of spaces as well as spaces which express both the Arup culture and the work and research done within the firm.

The design was developed in two parts. The first part comprised of an ABW trial space for the consulting group which included work-points, collaborative spaces and lounges and a quiet workspace “the Den”. By selecting three different furniture suppliers ARUP were given the chance to trial and review different furniture settings.

Secondly, the Workshop – that was developed in collaboration with Koskela - included a variety of spaces, such as informal and flexible collaboration spaces, social spaces and spaces devoted to knowledge sharing and research. In addition the meeting spaces were designed to be radically reconfigurable using folding and sliding walls and a variety of flexible furniture that allows for all types of gatherings ranging from small meetings to ‘Town Hall’ events involving the entire firm.

The Workshop recalibrates the notion of a place at the centre of everything by enabling ideas to be exchanged and objects to be tinkered with both digital and physical. This is aided by the location of the centre for knowledge sharing and research for Arup (Arup University) at the heart of this space, as an archetype of the future model, the workshop is a space which encourages people to collaborate, experiment, discuss, build, research and impart knowledge.


Project Team Name Title
  Ninotschka Titchkosky Project Principal
  Alex Chaston Project Team
  Chris Bickerton Project Team
  Patrik Typpo Graphics
Consultant Team Company Name Role
  Exceed Construction Management Pty Ltd Main Contractor
  Koskela Furniture
  Schiavello Furniture
  Unifor Furniture
  Kasian Mechanical, electrical, lighting and all services